Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
We are asking for your help in supporting Bright Star Stables in any way that you can. All of our sponsors will be recognized for their generosity on our website, as well as at our facility. We offer advertising opportunities on our website, trailer, barn and more.
Grand Champion Sponsor | $5,000 – $10,000
Name will be placed on website, as well as trailer
Champion Horse Sponsor | $3,000
Name will be placed on horse's stall for 1 year
Champion Rider Sponsor | $2,000
Pays the annual tuition for a student of need to participate in therapy programs
Blue Ribbon Sponsor | $500
Provides shoes for the horses for 1 month
Red Ribbon Sponsor | $250
Provides hay/bedding for the horses for 2 months
Yellow Ribbon Sponsor | $125
Sponsors a rider for 1 month
White Ribbon Sponsor | $50
Sponsors general needs of the program
Sensory Course Sponsor | $10,000
Tack and Equipment Sponsor | $5,000 – $10,000
Saddles, bridles, helmets, adaptive and therapy equipment
English and Western Show Clothes, chaps, boots in all sizes
Show equipment – halters, saddles, bridles
Senior feed
Equi-min Mineral or Salt Blocks
Office supply store or Wal-Mart gift certificates
By Mail or Drop-off:
Bright Star Stables
2515 Moores Mill Road • Rougemont, North Carolina 27572
Please make checks payable to Bright Star Stables
Click the Donate Button to donate securely through PayPal.
You do not need to have an account
Gift Matching Program:
Please let us know if your company offers a gift matching program.
Your donation may be eligible for a tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.